Deloitte Faces More Scrutiny After Cyber Breach in RI

State officials say how the hack happened remains under review

Gov. McKee, joined by other state officials, discusses fallout from the cyber attack
Gov. McKee, joined by other state officials, discusses fallout from the cyber attack
The Public’s Radio
1 min read
Gov. McKee, joined by other state officials, discusses fallout from the cyber attack
Gov. McKee, joined by other state officials, discusses fallout from the cyber attack
The Public’s Radio
Deloitte Faces More Scrutiny After Cyber Breach in RI

The state of Rhode Island is facing questions about its ongoing reliance on Deloitte after the personal information of hundreds of thousands of Rhode Islanders became potentially vulnerable during a recent cyber attack.

The hack was revealed late Friday and involves RI Bridges, the state’s portal for an array of health and public benefit programs.

How the breach happened remains the subject of an ongoing inquiry. Gov. Dan McKee has repeatedly urged Rhode Islanders who may be affected to protect themselves by taking the steps outlined on the state website

“We do not know yet the extent of data that the cyber-criminals have accessed,” the governor said, “but it could include Social Security numbers, date of birth and possibly banking information of anyone who has applied for or received benefits from services that are hosted by the RI Bridge program.”

This story was reported by The Public’s Radio. You can read the entire story here.

State officials are still navigating the fallout of a massive data breach that potentially compromised the personal information of hundreds of thousands of Rhode Islanders
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