Generation Rising

This community-focused series evokes conversation about various inequalities across Rhode Island. “Generation Rising” sheds light on the issues faced every day by the Black community, Indigenous communities, Asian community, Hispanic community, and LGBTQIA+ community and the ways they are pushing our society forward for change.

Generation Rising airs three times a month on Fridays at 7:30 p.m.

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Latest Episode
Join host Anaridis Rodriguez as she sits down with the creators of the documentary, A World of Hurt: How Medical Malpractice Fails Everyone. Anaridis and the documentary makers explore the human stories behind the statistics, uncovering the emotional and psychological toll that medical errors can inflict.
Stories From Generation Rising
‘They just need a little support, and this is what we’re doing with this.’
Tricia Rose discusses her groundbreaking new book about how systemic racism in America works
Catalina Martinez, Equity Officer at NOAA Ocean Exploration and a finalist in the Remarkable Women Award, is a champion for the health of the world’s oceans
Button Hole Golf members Don Wright, Chris Cruz, and Celine Arias share how the sport has become a driving force in changing the lives of area youths
The Equity Leadership Initiative raises up local leaders
Local filmmaker Kristen Falso-Capaldi discusses the contribution of women to film and how to get involved in Rhode Island’s film scene
Preparedness expert and Brown University professor Jennifer Nuzzo offers a valuable blueprint to prepare for future pandemics
Valerie Tutson and Marlon Carey of Rhode Island Black Storytellers discuss the joy of telling tales
Charles ‘Chachi’ Carvalho is an accomplished musician and Pawtucket’s first chief equity officer
Women of color are dealing with a high mortality rate in the U.S. What is Rhode Island’s health care system doing about it?