Ross Lippman

Arts and Culture Producer

Ross Lippman is an Arts and Culture Producer and Photojournalist at Rhode Island PBS. Ross has worked in many different roles in broadcasting, from being on-air to producing, photography, and editing. He and his family moved to Rhode Island in 2022 upon joining the RIPBS team. In his spare time, Ross enjoys landscape photography and spending time with his wife and two kids.

Recently published
What it’s like to observe the recycling artist and his team as they bring trolls to life
Joel Rosario Tapia brings exposure to artists who otherwise would remain under the radar
Folk duo discuss their music and identities in Season 4 of ‘Ocean State Sessions’
Eva Goodman and Willa Van Nostrand are friends who have formed a partnership
Joshua Prince ‘catches’ the idea for a blade, creates it and then ‘releases’ it