Rhode Island Student Reader Search

Do you love to read? Rhode Island PBS and The Public’s Radio and RI Center for the Book invite students in grades 3-5 to enter in just 3 easy steps:

1. Pick a book to read

2. Have an adult grab a camera and record you saying your first name and read for 30-60 seconds

3. The adult will upload your video here!

Play Clip
Reader Search Details
  • Parents/Guardians of students in grades 3-5 are invited to complete this form and submit a 30-60-second video of them reading.
  • Five Rhode Island readers will be selected to win a prize package, and will also participate in a Kids Reading Across Rhode Island segment, which will air on Rhode Island PBS.
  • Submissions must be received by 11:59 pm on Thursday, March 27, 2025.
  • All finalists will be notified by April 4, 2025.
  • Email education@ripbs.org with any questions.
Frequently Asked Questions

Can my child read any book?

Yes! They should choose a book that they enjoy.

Do I need to hold my camera a particular way?

No. Please be sure that the viewer can see the reader’s face and clearly hear their voice.

Will this footage be used on TV?

No. Submission videos will only be viewed by our selection committee.

Can my child practice what they’re going to read?

Yes! We encourage practicing before recording.

How are you judging the videos?

A small committee of judges from Rhode Island PBS, RI Center for the Book, and the community will view submissions and select a reader to represent Rhode Island. They will look for a reader who is a dynamic participant that reads clearly and confidently.

What tips should I keep in mind?

HAVE FUN! Encourage your reader to show their personality. You may even want to have a small audience (yourself, a friend or sibling, even a pet!) so they are more comfortable reading to someone rather than the camera.

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2023 Kids Reading Across Rhode Island | The Aquanaut by Dan Santat
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