Rhode Island Report

A podcast partnership between The Boston Globe and Rhode Island PBS on what’s bubbling in Rhode Island news. In-depth interviews with newsmakers, perspective and analysis from Globe Rhode Island reporters, and intimate conversations with community members across the state.

Rhode Island Report - Brett Johnson on his plans for Rhode Island FC
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The game of golf isn’t often associated with young people or diversity, but one nonprofit in Rhode Island is trying to change that. For more than 20 years, Button Hole in Providence has been making the game affordable and accessible to children in the area. Ed talks to Anaridis Rodriguez, host of “Generation Rising” and Don Wright, executive director of Button Hole, about the program.

The City by the Sea is known for its history. It’s also on the front lines of climate change. Some of Rhode Island’s biggest tourist attractions – Newport’s mansions and other historic properties – are increasingly impacted by rising sea levels and extreme weather. Rhode Island PBS Weekly reporter Pamela Watts and Preservation Society of Newport County director of museum affairs Leslie Jones join Ed to discuss this issue.

Every year, Rhode Islanders read the same book as a part of the Reading Across Rhode Island program.This year’s selection is Solito- a memoir by Javier Zamora. It tells the true story of Javier’s journey from El Salvador to The United States as an unaccompanied nine-year-old.Javier joins Ed in the studio, along with Maureen Nagle, education chair of Reading Across Rhode Island.