Leading Rhode Island Forward With ELI

The Equity Leadership Initiative raises up local leaders

2 min read
Leading Rhode Island Forward With ELI

Angela Ankoma and David Cicilline of the Rhode Island Foundation share what to expect from the third cohort from the Equity Leadership Initiative Program, and more programs the foundation offers for those looking to excel in their career and community work.

Below is a condensed and edited version of Anaridis Rodriguez’s conversation with Angela Ankoma and David Cicilline. You can watch the full version here.

Equity Leadership Initiative cohort members, family, friends, and supporters recently celebrate Family Day.
Equity Leadership Initiative cohort members, family, friends, and supporters recently celebrate Family Day.
Rhode Island Foundation, Facebook

ANARIDIS: What is the Equity Leadership Initiative?

ANGELA: Equity Leadership Initiative, also known as ELI, is a leadership program developed by the Rhode Island Foundation about three years ago, really looking at building the pipeline for the next generation of leaders of color in the state of Rhode Island. We developed a 12-month initiative, in which every month, the leaders meet, and focus on different topics. Whether it be building your brand, marketing, and connecting with other leaders. We’ve had leaders build within their networks. We’ve had leaders recognized for awards. We also had leaders get opportunities to connect with others and also other job opportunities as well. And so I say the social capital the Equity Leadership Initiative has been building is incredible for our state.

Rhode Island Foundation Staff
Rhode Island Foundation Staff
Rhode Island Foundation, Facebook

ANARIDIS: David, you are new to the foundation. This ELI program falls under the umbrella of the many things that the foundation does. What compelled you to leave Washington and come and do this work here in Rhode Island?

DAVID: I had the opportunity to work with the Rhode Island Foundation in all of my previous roles when I was in the state Legislature as mayor of Providence and as a member of Congress. So it was sort of this incredible opportunity to build upon 30 years of public service and elective office to take all those lessons and lead the foundation and be able to really have a positive impact on the lives of Rhode Islanders in a profound and direct way. And so I thought, “Here’s a place where I can make a real difference to the state that I love, to the people that I love, and an organization that has such an important role.” So helping to shape public policy in Rhode Island, helping to fund some of the most important organizations doing high-quality work on all the issues I care about. Healthcare and education, economic opportunity, equity. So, it’s sort of a dream job in that way, getting to do all the things you love and care about with people that are really committed to doing this work.

To learn more about the ELI program or the 2023/204 cohort members, please check out their website here.

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