Future of Maritime Shipping | Timothy Cosulich | E9, S4
Responsible for transporting nearly 80% of all goods worldwide, there are more than 60,000 merchant ships in operation today. Both essential contributors to our global economy, as well as major emissions polluters – this conversation with a maritime shipping industry thought-leader whose family has been in the business for seven generations is both fascinating and far-reaching. Episode 9, Season 4.
ABOUT THE SERIES: Future of XYZ is a bi-weekly interview series that explores big questions about where we are as a world and where we’re going. Presented in collaboration with Rhode Island PBS.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Follow @futureofxyz on Instagram, and visit www.future-of.XYZ or www.ripbs.org/XYZ for show links and more.

May 11, 2023
Future of XYZ

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