Future of Democracy | Dr. Andrew Schmookler | E2, S4
The Greeks defined democracy as “power of the people” since “demos” means people and “kratos” means power. But is it still “the people” who have power in modern democracies? What’s changed? What’s at risk? Our guest is an author and former Congressional candidate in Virginia’s 6th district. Learn more in Episode 2, Season 4.
ABOUT THE SERIES: Future of XYZ is a bi-weekly interview series that explores big questions about where we are as a world and where we’re going. Presented in collaboration with Rhode Island PBS.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: Follow @futureofxyz on Instagram, and visit www.future-of.XYZ or www.ripbs.org/XYZ for show links and more.

February 2, 2023
Future of XYZ

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