Alex Nunes

Managing Editor

Alex is the interim Managing Editor for The Public’s Radio. Alex was previously the co-host and co-executive producer of The Public’s Radio podcast, Mosaic. The show explored the history of immigration in Southern New England through the stories of individual immigrants and their descendants and received an Edward R. Murrow Award for best podcast in the New England region. Alex previously worked as an editor at The Westerly Sun and The New London Day.

Recently published
Soupy sausage is a tradition among Italian-American families in Westerly. For a second year in a row, The United Theatre will hold a special event dedicated to the spicy cured meat
The state’s coastal ponds and wildlife refuges don’t get top billing,
but they are fundamentally important to the health of the local ecosystem
Former Chariho High School English teacher Sandy Laub reflects on the year since the attacks on Israel
Charges against David M. Roth dismissed after he admitted to spray-painting over a shore access sign
William Conley night defended himself against criticism from the public and some council members